Ambleside residential 2024-25
Year 7 Ambleside Residential
Every year we hold a residential experience for the whole of Year 7. This runs towards the end of June and involves a three-night stay at Ambleside in the Lake District. The dates are as follows:
Y7.1 – Y7.4 Tuesday 17th June – Friday 20th June
Y7.5 – Y7.9 Tuesday 24th June – Friday 27th June
Memories that will last a lifetime.
We are committed to creating exciting opportunities…
It is an exciting and action-packed trip for students with a variety of outdoor activities. More information will follow nearer the time and there is also a parents’ evening shortly before we leave.
This is a fantastic experience for our Year 7 students and we want every one of them to take part. The overall cost is £350, which includes all travel, full board accommodation, activities and insurance. We have done everything possible to try and keep costs to a minimum.
At this point, could I ask you to let us know if you do not wish your child to go on the Ambleside Trip by emailing ambleside@brooksbank.tlt.school.
Please read each of the statements below before consents for your child to attend the Ambleside Residential.
I have read the information about the visit and agree to my son/daughter taking part. My son/daughter is fit enough to undertake the activities.
I understand that the activities provided may include any of the following: Abseiling, climbing, canoeing, raft building, gorge scrambling, hill walking, etc and that by the nature of these activities there is a level of risk involved. I give permission for my son/daughter to take part in these activities.
I understand that my child’s participation in the residential is dependent on their good attendance and behaviour in school over the coming months.
I understand that the usual school rules concerning standards of behaviour apply on the residential. I agree to sanctions being imposed by staff as necessary, including the ultimate sanction of sending them home if this is deemed appropriate by the school.
I have given details of any ailment, allergy or medication that requires the attention of the organisers. I authorise the giving of medication brought by my child with the dosage clearly labelled.
I authorise the organisers to act on my behalf in a medical emergency and to sign on my behalf any consent forms required by medical authorities if they know that it would not be advisable to wait for my own signature.