16 – 19 Bursary Fund 2024/25

The 16 – 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to eligible students to help them overcome specific barriers to accessing or completing their course thereby allowing them to remain in education. 

Funds can be provided to help towards the following:

  • Transport

  • Meals

  • Books

  • Revision Materials

  • Equipment

  • Essential materials needed for your course

  • Trips related to course

  • UCAS applications, costs relating to Interviews & University Open Days

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply for the bursary fund, students must: 

  • Be aged 16 and under 19 years of age on 31st August 2024

  • Meet the residency requirement. The student must have been resident in the UK or EEA for three years preceding 31st August 2024. (This means having a British or Northern Ireland passport, or having your passport endorsed to show you have the right of abode in the UK or having ‘settled status’ in the UK.)

If students are 19 or over, they must either:

  • Be continuing a course they began aged 16 to 18 (known as being a 19+ continuer).

  • Have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

There are two types of 16-19 Bursaries

  • Vulnerable Student Bursary of up to £1,200 a year for young people in one of the defined vulnerable groups.

  • Discretionary Student Bursary that institutions award to students who are faced with financial barriers to participation and need help to stay in education.

  • Students fall into one of the following vulnerable groups AND who meet the eligibility criteria AND have a financial need can apply for the Vulnerable Bursary:

    • In Care

    • Care Leavers

    • In receipt of Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner.

    • Receiving Disability Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right, as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right.

    The vulnerable bursary can pay up to £1,200 per year (pro -rata for courses less than 30 weeks) if students have a financial need.

    Students who meet the criteria for the vulnerable bursary are NOT automatically entitled to a bursary if they do not have financial needs and/or their financial needs are covered from other sources.

    Those defined as vulnerable will need to provide the following evidence:

    • Written confirmation of the students current or previous looked-after status from the Local Authority which looks after them or provides their leaving care services.

    • Appropriate evidence will be required setting out the benefit and amount to which the student is entitled (if in receipt of benefits in their own right).

    • Evidence of the household income (must include all adults in the household). Acceptable evidence includes P60, 3 months’ pay slips, 3 months Bank statements, evidence of self-employment income, Tax Credit Award Notice or Universal Credit Award Notifications covering the last 3 payments.

  • To be eligible for the discretionary bursary, students must be facing financial barriers to participation and need help to stay in education.

    Category B

    Applications where total household income is be below £25,000 per annum.

    Category C

    Applications where total household income is in excess of £25,000 per annum and the family are facing financial difficulty which may prevent the student from staying in fulltime education.

    Assessment of Income

    To assess the household income, we will ask to see proof of income. This could be in the form of:

    • Proof of benefits letters

    • Tax Credit Award Notifications

    • P60’s

    • Pay slips or evidence of self-employed income

    • Bank statements covering the last 3 months

    • Universal Credit Award Notifications covering the last 3 payments

How do I apply for either of these Bursaries?

Applications should ideally be submitted at the beginning of the Autumn Term but can be applied for at any time during the academic year as circumstances may change.

  • Complete the 16 – 19 Bursary Form answering all questions fully to avoid any delays in processing. Forms can be downloaded from the school website or alternatively you can obtain a paper version from the Post-16 Office in the study room.

  • Attach photocopies of the required income evidence (Please do not send in original income documentation as it cannot be returned).

  • Submit your application form and photocopies of income evidence in a sealed envelope addressed “Bursary” and hand it in at the Student Services Office (Main Reception Area). 

  • Students who were awarded a bursary in the previous year MUST re-apply for the next academic year as above.

  • Applications will be processed against the eligibility criteria; evidence of income will be checked and the need for funding assessed in line with the funding guidelines issued by the Government and EFSA. If further clarification of information is required, the student or parent/carer will be contacted by email/phone.

    All applicants will receive notification of the result of their application. If successful, the final award notification will detail the amount and purpose of the award.

    • Transport – Payments of £35 per month will be made via BACs to the student’s bank account for travel if their journey to school is 2 miles or over. These payments are made in arrears and will be reviewed in line with any price increases travel providers may make.

    • Meal – Payments will be added to students in- house cashless catering account weekly on a Monday morning, up to £12 depending on the existing balance on the account.

    • Trips – Payments will be made on behalf of the student to the faculty/department organizing the trip on receipt of the parental consent form for the Trip.

    • All other purchases – Students should obtain authorisation from the Post-16 Office in the study room before purchasing any additional items. Receipts should be provided for all refunds which will be made via BACs to the student’s bank account. All receipts must be handed in to the Post-16 Office in the study room. Items can be purchased on behalf of the student by the school with prior arrangement.

    All payments made from both Bursary Funds are dependent on students meeting the agreed standards of attendance, behaviour and effort as outlined in the 16-19 Bursary Student Handbook and Bursary Student Agreement. Whilst the School will make every effort to advise and help students resolve any issues, it retains the right to rescind or suspend bursary payment/s.

  • Where applications are unsuccessful there is a right of appeal. An initial appeal should be made in writing to the Head of Sixth Form, at the school’s address within 10 days of the school’s decision. You will receive a decision on your appeal within two weeks of our receipt of the appeal.

  • Learners who provide false information, or do not give complete information may be prosecuted and the financial assistance withdrawn and/or repaid.

    The school is under a duty to protect public funds it administers and may use the information you have provided within this Authority, for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies administering public funds solely for these purposes.