top 3 non-selective schools in calderdale
We are incredibly proud to achieved our best GCSE results ever, landing us above UK average and top 3 non-selective school in Calderdale for English progress and Maths progress.
You can aspire and achieve at Brooksbank.
At Brooksbank, we believe that every student's success is a collective effort. From parents to teachers and, most importantly, the students themselves, we all share a common goal of achieving academic excellence. With a strong academic heritage dating back to our days as a grammar school, we have always been committed to fostering progress.
We aspire for our students to reach their full potential, and we are proud of the journey they undertake towards success. From the least to the most able, we ensure comprehensive support to help them thrive. As you delve into the data, know that behind every statistic lies a story of determination, growth, and achievement.
Our focus remains on delivering exceptional teaching
Please note that due to recent exam changes during the COVID-19 period, comparing school data in recent years may be unreliable.
However, our focus remains on delivering exceptional teaching and an evolving curriculum that will yield fantastic results.
Remember, success is not just about exam results; it's about nurturing well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the skills and character to thrive in the future.
Progress 8: +0.18
% 5+ in EnMa: 46.7% (National Average 45.9%)
Attainment 8: 47.8 (National Average 45.9)
% entered for EBACC: 27.2%
EBACC Average Point Score: 3.96
What do these figures mean?
School data measures relate to attainment and progress. Find out more about the specific measures.
Year 11 Destinations
stayed in learning at the end of Year 11
progressed onto A-levels at a 6th form college or school 6th form
progressed onto a full time vocational programme
of Year 11 secured an Apprenticeship
Top college/sixth form destination
Huddersfield New College
Calderdale College
Greenhead College
Apprenticeship destinations
Construction: 8
Engineering: 2
Childcare: 2
Hairdressing: 1
Catering: 1
Full time education course level
% of students