At The Brooksbank School parents can make payments for most things online using Arbor.
Arbor Pay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like 24-7, safe in the knowledge that the technology used is the highest internet security available.
Each parent has a secure online account, which can be accessed with a unique user ID and password. You can change these to something you will easily remember. Arbor Pay enables you to view all items available to your child along with relevant costs and details.
For topping up diner money accounts and paying for trips, etc., you will need to log onto the Arbor App using your user ID and password.
When you log onto the site you will see your child’s account. Making a payment is easy. You simply select the item to pay and follow the instructions to complete your payment. You can pay for multiple items during a single online session. Arbor Pay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date should you wish.
Frequently Asked Questions
Before you log in for the first time, please wait until school has enabled the Parent Portal. You will not be able to log in until they have.
When school enables Parent Portal and the Parent App, they will send you a welcome email to set your password. You won't be able to do this through the app, as the links in our reset password emails only work with a browser.
Having difficulty logging in? There's a number of reasons why you may be struggling to log in to the Parent App or Parent Portal. Use the tips in this article before raising an issue with your school:
You can access lots of information via Arbor so it is important that you know how to use it correctly.
Follow the link for a parents introduction to Arbor App
Arbor follow strict security requirements to make sure payments have been made and verified by you. You can change the details if your bank details are now different.
When using the Parent App, you have the option to pay via Apple Pay or Google Pay.
When using the Parent Portal, we can't save your bank details in Arbor. However, you don't have to input your card details each time you want to make a payment if you use the built-in password manager on your device or browser.
If you've accidentally paid money into the wrong account, for example:
into a different account but you meant to pay into the meals account
into the wrong child's account (e.g. you've paid into their sibling's account instead)
You'll need to request a refund by getting in touch with school to issue a refund.
Once the refund has been issued, you can then make another payment into the right account.
Item description
For more information visit the Arbor website.