starting at brooksbank

We can't wait to welcome you to Brooksbank in September.

We’ll make sure you get off to the best possible start from the first day you arrive.

Transferring from primary to secondary school is an extraordinary moment in all our lives – we've all been there!

For students, we want you to learn and grow every day that you are here. Stepping up to high school can be scary for some, but we want you to embrace the moment with open arms! If you need help, we will be here to support you too.

For parents and carers, we welcome you to our school community too. Families play a huge role here and communication is really important. Thank you for your support. Together, we will do all we can to nurture and support your child on their high school journey with us. 

Here are some of the key dates for your calendar:

  • Transition Evening is a great opportunity for parents to come to the school and meet the students teachers and our Senior Leadership team and ask any questions you may have.

  • Transition Day is key to your child’s transition to high school. We have an exciting day planned which will allow you the opportunity to meet your new form tutor, take a tour of the school and learn more about what is to come and of course meet your new classmates.

  • When the big day arrives, it can be emotional for parents and students, but don’t worry. Running up to your child’s first day, we will be in contact with you providing you with all the information you will need.

    We want this to be a positive experience for everyone that sets the tone for the future of your child’s education so do not hesitate to get in touch with any queries you may have.

Congratulations, and welcome to Brooksbank.

On behalf of all the staff and students at Brooksbank, we would like to wish you a warm welcome and say how delighted we are that you will be joining our brilliant school in September.

In the upcoming months, Head of Year 7, will be visiting your child’s school to introduced herself and answer any questions your child may have.

We will be continuing to add more information to your website and our social media channels, so please do follow our pages for updates relating to transition but it is also a great opportunity to see what our school is up to.

Once again, a massive congratulations and thank you for choosing The Brooksbank School.

Mr Darren Atkinson

Head of School

Resources for Parents and Carers

The transition to high school can be difficult for both students and parents. Here are some useful resources to support you with the transition.

Online Resources


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