online, remote and home learning
We use Microsoft Office365, including Microsoft Teams, as our online learning and communication platform.
Across our school we have fully embraced this approach and enhanced our practice during times of national lockdown, school closures and development of our independent learning expectations.
Online subject provision is created to support academic and pastoral study and to keep our students connected and engaged in their learning. Online learning provision includes synchronous live and recorded lessons (as required), support materials and activities to introduce new information and practice and online assessment tools like SPARX and SENECA.
Key Stage 4/5
Key Stage 4/5 students can also access the links to the above online learning systems. However, the vast majority of online learning will also come direct from the teacher via:
Accessing Teams and Office 365.
Here's a quick refresher on how to access TEAMS and Office 365
Students have their own Office 365 account, which gives them free access to several apps, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Teams. Students should log in to Office 365 here www.office.com with their school email address* and the password they would usually use at school.
To access work, go to the Teams app (click in the app launcher which is the box shape made up of 9 dots) -when you click on the Teams icon it should just launch. Here, students will find their classes, which they should click into to access their work.
Watch the video here to see how to access lesson resources and assignments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx8xHpRMFHU
Students can contact their subject teachers by posting a message on the Teams ‘Channel’ (this Channel is visible to all members of their class team)
*Student emails are: username@brooksbank.tlt.school
Outlook Emails
Students can access their Outlook emails through Office 365 to contact their Form Teacher, Head of Year or Subject Teachers. It is important that students only contact staff using their school email addresses.
Forgotten Password
To reset a student password, a parent/carer must email itsupport@tlt.school with the subject heading 'Brooksbank Password Reset' and include their child’s full name, form group, date of birth and username. Our ICT team will respond as quickly as possible.