A Celebratory Visit from Brooksbank Alumni and England Rugby Star

We were honoured to welcome back one of our distinguished alumni and England rugby star, Amy Hardcastle, to present our Year 7 and 8 girls with the Calderdale Cup trophy. Earlier this year, our girls triumphed in a highly competitive tournament and having Amy present their well-deserved trophy made the moment even more special.

Amy’s return to school was a heartwarming occasion. Her words of encouragement and her own example of success left our students feeling inspired and motivated. Amy spoke passionately about the importance of hard work and determination, sharing insights from her own journey to the top of her sport.

Her visit was a powerful reminder of what can be achieved with dedication and perseverance. Our students were thrilled to meet her and left with a renewed sense of ambition and drive. We are incredibly proud of our Year 7 and 8 girls for their achievement and grateful to Amy for taking the time to celebrate with us.

Congratulations to our talented students, and thank you, Amy, for inspiring the next generation!


Beyond the Blue Line - Issue 84


A Heartwarming Visit: Brooksbank’s Day at the Donkey Rescue Centre