During my days in Brooksbank Sixth Form, I had the opportunity to complete a summer internship at a small accountancy firm. I followed this up with a year-long placement in the Financial Department at P&G.

This experience gave me invaluable insights into the world of finance and accounting and I was able to work alongside experienced professionals and learn from them.

My internship was instrumental in shaping my career, and I will always be grateful for the opportunities I had during those formative years.

Jack’s message is

“sign up for career enhancing opportunities”

“Ensure that you take advantage of all work experiences and opportunities, summer internships, part time work, expeditions at university. As it will stand you out from the competition when you go for full time jobs. ”

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.


Ewan Horrocks


Freya Wheelwright